Monday, January 10, 2011

Steelers vs. Ravens

Fuck the Ravens.  Winner of this game goes on to win the whole thing.  Fuck New England too.  I hate Tom Brady.


Hi, my name is Harm and I created this blog to have a place to air my thoughts, rant, criticize, stir debate and show my passion for life.  A little about me...I'm 38 (I think) and finally have my priorities straight.  The important things in my life, in order, are the Pittsburgh Steelers, my family and a bunch of other crap.  I have a black belt in verbal assassinations and wear my heart on my sleeve.  I may be just a regular guy airing his thoughts and opinions or maybe I'm fucking crazy, who knows.  I've always had a lot to say about a lot of shit and this blog is going to give me the forum to do it.  I'm pretty driven by money, cuz if you have enough of it you don't have to live paycheck to paycheck and it will free up your time to do other things in life (like go to every Steeler's game).  I have a five year plan to get to where I gotta go financially and then I plan to create a union for sports fans.  I really feel like I can organize the sports fans in this great country of ours and get a seat at the table when these douche bags from the Players Association and the NFL owners (for example) sit down to negotiate a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).  I mean, if we (the fans) could all get together imagine the power we could have if we came together as one.  We are the ones that make the world go round so why shouldn't we have some say when it comes to how our money gets spent.  I'm sure everyone is not to agree with me on every subject but the point is to be blatantly honest and open and provoke your thoughts.